Life of an Athlete - Parent Resources
Resources for Parents
Knowledge is a powerful tool that parents can use to keep their student athletes safe, healthy and optimizing performance. A number of resources can be utilized to support your student athlete. These include:
John Underwood/Life of an Athlete Website
Official website of Life of an Athlete Human Performance Project
Chippewa Valley Coalition for Youth and Families
Provides information about the dangers of teen use of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs and highlights of Coalition activities
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Provides research and science on drug abuse and addiction, resources for parents and links to other websites
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Helps communities and families better understand and prevent teen drug and alcohol abuse with prevention, interventions, treatment, and recovery advice.
Parent Further
On-line resource to help families strengthen relationships. A wide variety of topics for parents with children of all ages, including important milestones, high risk behaviors, and everyday parenting tips.
Life of An Athlete Power Back Diet Plan
Download the LoA Power Back Diet Plan and the Program Manual